Alternative Reality on Screen: Applying Iconic Programming to Home Security Systems
Alternative Reality on Screen: Applying Iconic Programming to Home Security Systems
Atsuo Yoshitaka, Hiroshi Nakata, Masahito Hirakawa, and Tadao Ichikawa
WISS'96 発表予定.
日本ソフトウェア科学会, December 1996.
In recent years, even the people who are not familiar with computer manipulat
ion have got more chances to use computers. In order to assist such users for the
better usability with more natural interaction facilities, quite a few GUIs
have been proposed. Icon-based interface is one of the most popular ways to achieve
easier and better interaction. In this paper, we propose an iconic interface for
manipulating or interacting with equipments such as a TV, air-conditioners,
and censors exiting in the real world through a portable computer.
A `carbon copy' of the real world is projected on the display. A user manipulates
icons by a pen, resulting in the operation of actual devices associated with
the pen. We have applied this interaction scheme to building a home security system
and has implemented a prototype. This approach looks similar to the so-called
desktop on computer screen, where operations such as sending e-mail or copying
files are invoked by icon manipulation. The interaction attainable in the virtual
desktop environment, however, is almost uni-directional since it has essentially
been provided for easy representation of jobs to be performed by a computer.
In contrast to this, our approach enables a bi-directional interaction with the
real world by providing a `carbon copied real world' on the computer display.