
Software Component of Emotional Model and Its Application for Facial Animation



小笹千紘 Chihiro Kozasa 九州大学大学院システム情報科学府情報理学専攻
高野茂 Shigeru Takano 九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院情報理学部門
岡田義広 Yoshihiro Okada 九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院情報理学部門


Recent 3D graphics hardware technologies have made it possible to create visually realistic 3D characters and 3D scenes in real time. However, behaviors of Non Player Characters (NPCs) are not satisfactory because they are still predefined and then very simple. Facial expression is one of the most important factors for such a humanlike NPC. In this paper, the authors propose an NPC which interacts with the human. The NPC changes its facial expression according to its emotion during the interaction. For realizing such an NPC, the authors implemented a neural network based emotional model unit. By some experiments, this paper also shows that the NPC can change its facial expression according to its emotion like the human.


感情モデル ニューラルネットワーク NPC コミュニケーション
