fakePointer: `ซฉUษฮท้ฯซ๐ยยlFุ่@
fakePointer: An Interface for User Authentication that makes Peeping Attack Hard
cNi | Tetsuji TAKADA | YฦZpค๎๑Zpคๅ๎๑ฌfUCO[v |
In this paper, I propose a novel user authentication scheme that enables to ensure a security against peeping attack with a video camera. Peeping attack is that an attacker steals victimfs secret by looking into a victimfs authentication action. In recent days, an attacker uses a video camera to capture a screen and an operation of the action and such incidents have actually occurred. The fakePointer has two unique features. First is that is provides a unique double layered user interface for secret input. It makes hard to steal a secret even by using a video camera. Second is that an answer operation is randomized in each authentication by using a random secret. These features realize a more secure authentication against peeping attack with a video camera.
ยlFุ, ZL eB, oC