Active CyberCode: 直接操作できる二次元コード
Active CyberCode: a 2D Code Enabling Direct Manipulations
綾塚 祐二 | Yuji AYATSUKA | (株)ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 インタラクションラボラトリー | Interaction Laboratory, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. |
暦本 純一 | Jun REKIMOTO | (株)ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 インタラクションラボラトリー | Interaction Laboratory, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. |
Mobile computing devices with a camera have become widely available, and commercial applications using printed 2D code recognition have been developed. Augmented reality applications which overlays computer graphics on the real image will also become popular. One of the limitation of such a system is that a user has to control appeared CG characters using traditional input device for computers like keyboards or mouses. We propose a directly controllable 2D code, Active CyberCode. A user can give command on the printed code by putting his/her finger on a printed button or slider. A code has a fixed part and a variable part, and the variable part is recognized as same as the fixed part. It allows a computer to recognize commands without expensive method like finger recognition. This paper describes a design of Active CyberCode system and introduces some sample applications.
CyberCode, 二次元コード, 拡張現実感, 直接操作